参加するバンド, ピアノ.自己紹介
Lena MolFa – German violinist, singer, pianist and composer.
Lena grew up in Odessa, Ukraine. At the age of seven she already had some public violin and piano gigs. Her teachers were from a famous violin and music school in Odessa. When Lena was 10 years old she started to compose her first pieces. Although her influences were mostly classical, Lena soon recognized that modern music also touched her heart, which is expressed in today’s gigs and music of hers.
Today Lena lives in Stuttgart, Germany. She speaks Russian, Ukrainian and German. With her solo project “Lena MolFa Violin” she tours all around Germany. Her other Project “Molfa” she lives out her passion for rock music.Lena published several collaboration projects with various artists from Germany and the world over as well as her own solo pieces.
- ユーザーネーム:
- lena38376
- サイト加入日:
- 2017 10月 19
- 最終ログイン1か月以上前
- 真剣度:
- 4
- 音楽を演奏する年:
- 15
- ギグスが演奏した:
- 100以上
- 練習頻度::
- 週に1、2回
- 活動頻度:
- 週2-3日
- フィドル:
- 超上級者
- ボーカル:
- 超上級者
- バイオリン:
- 超上級者
- ピアノ:
- 超上級者
- ボーカル -ベース:
- 初心者
- ボーカル -バリトン:
- 初心者
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