HUMMANA music project is convergence, identity, unity, collective memory, communication, and cultural heritage. It presents a personal interpretation of traditional compositions. Work songs, circle dances, melodies woven by the people. Popular poetic texts of pagan and religious nature.
- ユーザーネーム:
- Hummana
- サイト加入日:
- 2022 11月 15
- 最終ログイン1か月以上前
- 真剣度:
- 5
- 音楽経験年数:
- 3
- ギグスが演奏した:
- 10から50
- 年齢:
- 46 年
A platform where popular poetry and the traditional Madeiran Songbook find a new approach without losing its ethnographic essence where ancestral compositions are revisited, assuming influences of the current World and Rock Music scene.
Vocals, Rajão and Viola de Arame: Cristina Vieira
Piano, Keys and Programming: Nuno Filipe
Upon consultation
Carga (Video)
Carga (Video)ldcquTm5Diw
Meio Baile (Video)
Meio Baile (Video)H3CtrFhGoCA