参加するバンド, アコーディオン, アップライトベース, ボーカル -アルト, ドブロギター, フィドル, マンドリン, バンジョー, その他, その他のパーカッション, ドラム, ベース, リズムギター, ボーカル -バリトン.自己紹介
Hello My Name IS FeiXeng Midori, I am an independent artist who always seeks to bring the best to my fans and listeners.
- ユーザーネーム:
- FeiXeng Midori
- サイト加入日:
- 2020 8月 25
- 最終ログイン1か月以上前
- 真剣度:
- 3
- 音楽を演奏する年:
- 60
- 活動頻度:
- 週2-3日
- ボーカル -ベース:
- 経験者
- ボーカル -アルト:
- 経験者
- ボーカル:
- 初心者
FeiXeng Midori Bullying (You Are Not Able Album)
FeiXeng Midori Bullying (You Are Not Able Album) ジャンル: Acoustic
FeiXeng Midori Kokoro (You Are Not Able Album)
FeiXeng Midori Kokoro (You Are Not Able Album) ジャンル: Acoustic
FeiXeng Midori You Are Not Able Just Voice Version (You Are Not Able Album)
FeiXeng Midori You Are Not Able Just Voice Version (You Are Not Able Album) ジャンル: Acoustic
FeiXeng Midori Ready To Die (You Are Not Able Album)
FeiXeng Midori Ready To Die (You Are Not Able Album) ジャンル: Acoustic
FeiXeng Midori Black Angel (You Are Not Able Album)
FeiXeng Midori Black Angel (You Are Not Able Album) ジャンル: Acoustic
FeiXeng Midori Black Angel Visual Vídeo (You Are Not Able Album) (Video)
FeiXeng Midori Black Angel Visual Vídeo (You Are Not Able Album) (Video)QvZI1-ziA6A
FeiXeng Midori Ready To Die Visual Vídeo (You Are Not Able Album) (Video)
FeiXeng Midori Ready To Die Visual Vídeo (You Are Not Able Album) (Video)UHViGBtZbH0
FeiXeng Midori Kokoro M/V (You Are Not Able Album) (Video)
FeiXeng Midori Kokoro M/V (You Are Not Able Album) (Video)K-NiV5n45U