-- Currently looking only for cover bands, Korn, Deftones, SOAD, etc. for fun, rehearsals, if possible, small gigs --
- Vocalist (clean baritone, scream) in Narc (Industrial / "Nu-metal"). Cover band project which was active between years 2007-2013. (50+ gigs around Istanbul, Turkey).
- Vocalist (scream, guttural) and lyric writer in Baseborn (Metal / Melodic Death Metal). Active project, occasional song releases but no gigs due to the lack of a drummer. Our latest EP can be found on Spotify, named "In Perpetual Motion".
- Vocalist and anything else in an unnamed project under the Industrial Metal genre. Planning to release a couple of songs in 2024.
- Bass guitarist and back vocals in an unnamed project where we cover folk songs from various cultures. Currently recording videos for probable small gigs / street performances.
- I also love to play & sing acoustic songs, especially acoustic versions of songs from harsher genres (Tool, Porcupine Tree, etc.). No gigs, only for fun.
- ユーザーネーム:
- erd
- サイト加入日:
- 2024 3月 06
- 最終ログイン1週間以内
- 真剣度:
- 3
- 音楽を演奏する年:
- 20
- ギグスが演奏した:
- 50から100
- 練習頻度::
- 1週間に1回
- 活動頻度:
- 週2-3日
- ボーカル:
- 超上級者
- ボーカル -バリトン:
- 超上級者
- リズムギター:
- 中級者
- アコースティックギター:
- 中級者
- コーラス:
- 中級者
- ベース:
- 経験者