The President Drowned My Goldfish is a German Heavy Metal band formed in Mannheim in late 2019. The band consists of guitarist/lead singer Bako, lead-guitarist The Steiner and bass guitarist Erricson..
In late 2021 the band began recording their first Song, Cry For Sanity. A music video was also recorded for this song and released before the end of the year.
At the moment the band is recording their second song (and related video) and on the way to complete their first album..
Official website: the-president-drowned-my-goldfish.de Read more on Last.fm.
- ユーザーネーム:
- Bako
- サイト加入日:
- 2022 7月 18
- 最終ログイン1か月以内
- 真剣度:
- 3
- 音楽経験年数:
- 15
- ギグスが演奏した:
- 10から50
- 練習頻度::
- 週3回以上
- 活動頻度:
- 週2-3日
- 年齢:
- 33 年
Trivium, Metallica, Children Of Bodom, Avenged Sevenfold, Paradise Lost, Machine Head, Ghost
Gibson Black Pearl Custom
The Storm
The Storm トラック番号: 3 リリース年: 2022 ジャンル: Heavy Metal
Drowned ジャンル: Acoustic
The Storm (Video)
The Storm (Video)rj10r1-vvi8
The Untold Story (Video)
The Untold Story (Video)OVgGcWMKnOI
Dead Eyes Watching You (Video)
Dead Eyes Watching You (Video)Sl2qy4w0DyU
Cry For Sanity (Video)
Cry For Sanity (Video)jEwV3SARlgw