参加するバンド, アコーディオン, チェロ, アップライトベース, スチールギター, バグパイプ, ボーカル -アルト, ドブロギター, フィドル, マンドリン, バンジョー, フルート, ハーモニカ, ピアノ, バイオリン, その他のパーカッション.自己紹介
I was raised on a healthy dose of Rock ’n’ Roll, spawning my navigation of the world of music from an early age. I began singing and dancing in the backstage of small concerts at the age of five followed by playing the piano to a huge audience - Yasmin and Duda: a dachshund of wealth and taste; and a rescued dog that has being put back into society - before find his perfect match in the electric bass guitar.
My experiences has seen me in recording, sound designing and mixing audio for advertising and cinema as well as graduating from the South America renowned Methodist University with a Bachelor in Advertising. I also experienced 5 years emerged into advertising whilst simultaneously was gigging and touring around Brazil southeast. Destined for a life somewhere in the music and sound industry, I went on to study Audio and Acoustic at AVI (Audio and Video Institute) and Cinema Sound Design at ICA (International Cinema Academy). In 2017, I decided to keep learning music and made a decision which changed my life: to study Sound Production in Sydney Australia.
Now that I learned the inputs and outputs of audio world, I feel ready for another adventure which is working, jamming, producing, having a band and living where I always dreamed about it: Berlin.
Contact me: andre.alfinitoAT g m a i l . c o m
- ユーザーネーム:
- andre120782
- サイト加入日:
- 2020 1月 15
- 最終ログイン24時間以内
- 真剣度:
- 4
- 音楽を演奏する年:
- 15
- ギグスが演奏した:
- 100以上
- 練習頻度::
- 週3回以上
- 活動頻度:
- 週4-5日
Crazy for Red Hot Chili Peppers and mostly about their creative process: jamming.
Also everything that sounds good, no prejudices about music, but I am mostly into Rock.
- ベース:
- 超上級者
- ボーカル -ベース:
- 上級者
- キーボード:
- 中級者
- リズムギター:
- 中級者
Tobias Bass with a Floyd (yes, a floyd!)
Midi Keyboard and tons of plugins to create music (mostly on Logic)
bass jam mess (Video)
bass jam mess (Video)ia0Fk1Lj3Uw