参加するバンド, トロンボーン, ボーカル -アルト, ドブロギター, フィドル, マンドリン, バンジョー, その他, フルート, ハーモニカ, コーラス, ピアノ, キーボード, サックス, トランペット, バイオリン, その他のパーカッション, ドラム, アコースティックギター, リードギター, リズムギター, ボーカル -ソプラノ, ボーカル -テノール, ボーカル -バリトン, ボーカル -ベース, ボーカル, バグパイプ, スチールギター, アップライトベース, チェロ, アコーディオン.自己紹介
com anatolyguitar
2025 Hallo Musiker,
-ich lade euch für Online-Video-Kollaboration auf Youtube (YT) ein. Oder Jam oder Band für Ergebnisse (z. B. YT-Video, Song), es geht um Offenbach 63065 nahe. Entweder nehmen wir etwas aus meine Musik aus. Ich habe schön in letzten 11 Monate 11 Kollaboration gemacht. ODER eure Original-Songs!
Numetal/Rapcore – z. B. Limb Bizkit, Korn, P.O.D., Linkin Park
Alternative: z. B. RHCP
-ich freue mich auch auf neuen Kontakten(Freunde) auf Youtube, du kannst meine Sachen kommentieren, gleichmaß mache ich bei deine Musik oder deine Covers! (Erfahrung umtauschen, beidseitige Unterstützung)
-ich kann Bass oder Gitarre (Elektro auch Akustik) mitspielen, auch no Problem mit Beats, Mixing, Plug-Ins und andere wichtige Sachen für Song-Erstellung . Wir machen gute Live-Aufnahme (Video/Audio). Am Ende machen ein Video for Youtube Freunde/Fans zusammen! 1 fur deine YT-Channel und 1 fur meine
HOBBY: Kollaboration - weltweit. Band/Projekt/Live - in der Nähe
Hallo Freund,
Wie geht es dir? :)
Ich bin Anatoly, sehr motiviert zusammen Musik zu machen.
I have been creating instrumental beats for many years. I play bass/guitar & and am looking further for musicians to collaborate, lets have good time together and get significant results!
General position
- generally looking for connections to collaborate: write songs together & music videos, if not possible to get into studio together
-especially interested in collaboration/project with singer that has skills for writing lyrics and vocal part for song
-have a strong desire to gather a band with distinctive numetal/rapcore/rock tone
-modern pop mtv music(rap style) are welcome too, I can do bass/guitar parts
-I look for you guys in Frankfurt area for breathtaking studio/live performances.
-Collaboration with musicians all around the world, produce a video (live or clip)
for example Kill the Pain
I put some songs/beats here:
I have
- very good possibilities for recording guitar and bass, mixing and mastering
- to communicate I speak , English and German also Russian, Latvian.
Let’s do it together! If you have a desire and skills please contact me.
Have a good musical day!
Some my guitar pro tabs
- ユーザーネーム:
- AnatolyBeatGuitarBassRockNumetal
- サイト加入日:
- 2020 9月 13
- 最終ログイン1か月以上前
- 真剣度:
- 2
- 音楽を演奏する年:
- 20
- 練習頻度::
- 週3回以上
- 練習時間帯:
- 夜
- リードギター:
- 中級者
- アコースティックギター:
- 中級者
- ベース:
- 中級者
for guitar/bass recording, mixing, mastering, others things:)
LIFE-for-U ジャンル: Acoustic
These Little Nightmares ft. Fatih
These Little Nightmares ft. Fatih ジャンル: Acoustic
Lets Ride hip hop feel 2024
Lets Ride hip hop feel 2024 ジャンル: Acoustic
"Kill The Pain" Anatoly-Brandon 09-2023
"Kill The Pain" Anatoly-Brandon 09-2023 ジャンル: Acoustic
Smash IT ft. Yan Kikon
Smash IT ft. Yan Kikon ジャンル: Acoustic
The Game (Disturbed REMIX)
The Game (Disturbed REMIX) ジャンル: Acoustic
Every Day 2023
Every Day 2023 ジャンル: Acoustic
X-BEAT ver. 07-05-2023
X-BEAT ver. 07-05-2023 ジャンル: Acoustic
Hit-me-23 ジャンル: Acoustic
Left feat Ju Lien
Left feat Ju Lien ジャンル: Acoustic
Hope23 ジャンル: Acoustic
Youth of the Nation -TRAP REMIX
Youth of the Nation -TRAP REMIX ジャンル: Acoustic
Fate Demo 12-2022
Fate Demo 12-2022 ジャンル: Acoustic
Feel Enough DEMO12-2022
Feel Enough DEMO12-2022 ジャンル: Acoustic
Magic-One 12-2022
Magic-One 12-2022 ジャンル: Acoustic
Street Song 01-2023
Street Song 01-2023 ジャンル: Acoustic
Dangerous 10-2022 Mix
Dangerous 10-2022 Mix ジャンル: Acoustic
Dont take me know Demo Martin Dan Anatoly
Dont take me know Demo Martin Dan Anatoly ジャンル: Acoustic
REKICK 04-2022
REKICK 04-2022 ジャンル: Acoustic
Fly-High feat Barbara
Fly-High feat Barbara ジャンル: Alternative/Modern Rock
Dont-Take-Me-Know feat-Dan Peters
Dont-Take-Me-Know feat-Dan Peters ジャンル: Alternative/Modern Rock
No Boundaries - feat Yan Kikon
No Boundaries - feat Yan Kikon ジャンル: Hip Hop/Rap
My Monster feat Cody Cudmore
My Monster feat Cody Cudmore ジャンル: Alternative/Modern Rock
VOICES feat Brandon Nelson
VOICES feat Brandon Nelson ジャンル: Heavy Metal
Gotta Be Me feat Brandon Nelson
Gotta Be Me feat Brandon Nelson ジャンル: Alternative/Modern Rock
TRAP ROCK DEMO 07-2022 ジャンル: Acoustic
LIFE-for-U (Video)
LIFE-for-U (Video)wnKAmvOZT_g
Get Ready For 2025 (Video)
Get Ready For 2025 (Video)sT-So4DCAPw
Alternative Rock 02-2024 for Collaboration (Video)
Alternative Rock 02-2024 for Collaboration (Video)oJnvk-XMT8w
The Game -My trap metal Disturbed Song Remix (Video)
The Game -My trap metal Disturbed Song Remix (Video)AyaCEBbeI9w
POD Youth of the Nation REMIX (Video)
POD Youth of the Nation REMIX (Video)N8feXrGTK4w
"LET'S RIDE" - Rapcore | Trap Hip Hop (Video)
"LET'S RIDE" - Rapcore | Trap Hip Hop (Video)Mk4M6wRduNs
HIT-ME-23 (Video)
HIT-ME-23 (Video)BeQTFY2i1mg
Lets Ride verse groove 08-2023 (Video)
Lets Ride verse groove 08-2023 (Video)uwqxdlu0W44
Hope23 Trap Metal Mix (Video)
Hope23 Trap Metal Mix (Video)ew2NUC-mDKM
Bring Me To Life - Evanescence -Steffi Anatoly 2023 (Video)
Bring Me To Life - Evanescence -Steffi Anatoly 2023 (Video)OvQK9cXEkjU
Magic-One 01-2023 (Video)
Magic-One 01-2023 (Video)gCDUWOS-cOw
Feel enough 12-2022 (Video)
Feel enough 12-2022 (Video)L79gzekQ0o8
Lets Ride 02-2023 (Video)
Lets Ride 02-2023 (Video)Ud3fPszwBjI
POD Youth of the Nation Trap rock remix (Video)
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Anger22 for Singer (Video)
Anger22 for Singer (Video)FhlBl17ng5A
My alternative rock instrumental 12 2022 (Video)
My alternative rock instrumental 12 2022 (Video)QXRws2_j_b4
WITH YOU 2022 (Video)
WITH YOU 2022 (Video)-dDQI4aGbeg
Fate Mix 12-2022 (Video)
Fate Mix 12-2022 (Video)t_K9QIKxvQk
EVERY DAY 04-2022 (Video)
EVERY DAY 04-2022 (Video)aSX9gqcDhS8
Spark Mini AMP TEST - LP Somewhere I belong (Video)
Spark Mini AMP TEST - LP Somewhere I belong (Video)WCPKk2X7Hxc
Street-Song 01-2023 (Video)
Street-Song 01-2023 (Video)LIU3WTaQ9i0
Info with my numetal beat 12-2022 (Video)
Info with my numetal beat 12-2022 (Video)xOzgXR_piuw
Kannst du das mitspielen? (Video)
Kannst du das mitspielen? (Video)3BDit_IuEho
LEFT - numetal bass (Video)
LEFT - numetal bass (Video)txn_49p3-Pc
My numetal song Bass tab (Video)
My numetal song Bass tab (Video)x93FIGoY2sE
My tribute Instrumental to RHCP (Video)
My tribute Instrumental to RHCP (Video)jaTaugkE9J8
Rap rock bass jam with backing track (Video)
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Lets Ride - free bass jam track (Video)
Lets Ride - free bass jam track (Video)fLG-bTv5sjM
Dangerous 10-2022 by AG (Video)
Dangerous 10-2022 by AG (Video)EGJqu4KQCYU
REKICK 04-2022 (Video)
REKICK 04-2022 (Video)LLiOh8s6pVQ
REKICK Collaboration 2022-04 (Video)
REKICK Collaboration 2022-04 (Video)nKeeVfK-y5s
Youth of the Nation - Remix2022-09 (Video)
Youth of the Nation - Remix2022-09 (Video)LMcsrGEtn3Q
Freedom fighters 2022 remix (Video)
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Cas-and Whoos 2021 - Anatoly-Gerd (Video)
Cas-and Whoos 2021 - Anatoly-Gerd (Video)Ca1ubVWNm44
Go away go with me (Video)
Go away go with me (Video)cxRJ-CcAuJk
LET'S RIDE 2021 Anatoly-Gerd (Video)
LET'S RIDE 2021 Anatoly-Gerd (Video)poqEti4j2Tw
Left 2022 Anatoly-Ju (Video)
Left 2022 Anatoly-Ju (Video)h7GcE-XAo8g
Dont-Take-Me-Know feat-Dan Peters Martin (Video)
Dont-Take-Me-Know feat-Dan Peters Martin (Video)Q1XRVNWPIbQ
VOICES need a vocal for collaboration (Video)
VOICES need a vocal for collaboration (Video)dzGVDHE2HOk
LetsRide, me on bass (Video)
LetsRide, me on bass (Video)3HrPSyjUVw4
KILL THE PAIN (Video)Lzv1E5tNht4
DONT TAKE ME KNOW tribute song to Linkin Park (Video)
DONT TAKE ME KNOW tribute song to Linkin Park (Video)C-FHywPRY18
PartyOn2021 (Video)
PartyOn2021 (Video)ba4fal7SiIM
Fear2021 beat (Video)
Fear2021 beat (Video)Z-o_5IIMmVI
Trap Rock Bass Instrumental 08-2022 (Video)
Trap Rock Bass Instrumental 08-2022 (Video)r5TMziSMP7I
REKICK2021 Vocalist Wanted (Video)
REKICK2021 Vocalist Wanted (Video)kDunff4duWY
My song 2021, me playing bass (Video)
My song 2021, me playing bass (Video)Ubjgu_C0y1Q
Game video with my beat (Video)
Game video with my beat (Video)s8SpyOlmTVI
Kill The Pain - BASS (Video)
Kill The Pain - BASS (Video)MP6bHql1ai0