参加するバンド, コーラス, ボーカル.自己紹介
Amir Mardaneh, as a music publisher, director of a music school, and a composer and singer, is looking to continue his artistic activities in the city of Berlin. His expertise and experiences in Iranian classical music, along with skills in sound recording, songwriting, and teaching, have made him a versatile artist and entrepreneur. Amir's goal in continuing his artistic activities is to promote Iranian classical music and elevate it on the international stage.
- ユーザーネーム:
- amirmardaneh
- サイト加入日:
- 2024 5月 15
- 最終ログイン2週間以内
- 真剣度:
- 4
- 音楽を演奏する年:
- 30
- ギグスが演奏した:
- 100以上
- 練習頻度::
- 週に1、2回
- 活動頻度:
- 週4-5日
- 練習時間帯:
- 日々
The most influential factors in Amir Mardaneh's music are Iranian classical music, which he has deeply understood and performed through extensive study and experience in this field. Collaborations with prominent Iranian classical musicians such as Kayhan Kalhor and Nasser Farhangfar have significantly influenced his musical style and approach.
- ボーカル -テノール:
- 超上級者
- その他:
- 上級者
In his equipment list, Amir utilizes various musical instruments, including traditional Iranian instruments such as the three-stringed, oud, and tar. Additionally, he has experience in recording and sound editing using software such as Cubase, Nuendo, and Adobe Audition.
Heartache ジャンル: Acoustic
Intoxicated (Video)
Intoxicated (Video)uUcMDHlFUas